Phase transition points can be used to critically reduce the ionic migration activation energy, which is important for realizing high-performance electrolytes at low temperatures. Here, we demonstrate a route toward low-temperature thermionic conduction in solids, by exploiting the critically lowered activation energy associated with oxygen transport in Ca-substituted bismuth ferrite (Bi1-xCaxFeO3-δ) films. Our demonstration relies on the finding that a compositional phase transition occurs by varying Ca doping ratio across xCa ≃ 0.45 between two structural phases with oxygen-vacancy channel ordering along <100> or <110> crystal axis, respectively. Regardless of the atomic-scale irregularity in defect distribution at the doping ratio, the activation energy is largely suppressed to 0.43 eV, compared with ~0.9 eV measured in otherwise rigid phases. From first-principles calculations, we propose that the effective short-range attraction between two positively charged oxygen vacancies sharing lattice deformation not only forms the defect orders but also suppresses the activation energy through concerted hopping.